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There’s so much more to who you are
than you know right now. - Bill Plotkin


Mushroom & MDMA Journeys


Are you curious?

Eager to explore parts of yourself?

To step into new ways of being?

There are ways.


Mushrooms: These master teachers, alchemists of perception, underworld guides and truth show-ers are here to lead you into the wildness of your soul. Not as an escape from reality, but as an invitation to engage with it more fully than ever before.


MDMA: Humans have created some incredible stuff: pyramids, trucks, the internet, crepes...and MDMA. One of the greatest tools to connect you with life's deepest truths and bring you more love, joy and peace.​



Packing Your Bags

In our intake and first session we do a deep dive into your life: What’s shaped you and your experience of the world? What are your worries? Your longings? Where are you feeling stuck? What lights you up?


In our second session we prepare more specifically for your journey day, delving into your intention, my role, typical physiological effects, etc.​


Your Journey

The heart of this container is your journey. In it, you may experience a range of emotions ranging from deep anguish to indescribable joy. You may feel unique or intense body sensations, thoughts, and visuals. But in reality you never know what awaits you in any psychedelic experience.



As your guide, I support you leaning into this unknown. I keep you safe. I attune to your needs and to whatever arises. I may invite you to go inwards if that seems to your greatest good. In other moments a more outward expression might feel more healing to you.

Returning home...changed

Following this experience is integration, where we’ll look at what your journey has to do with your life. Did it show you anything about how you could live differently? About what's important to you? What’s here that's new? What's gone?


Insight without action is just psycho-spiritual entertainment, however. So we also come up with concrete steps you can take to embody what comes out of your experience.


It's my honor to accompany you in these questions, wherever they take you.

  • Where?
    I offer mushroom, MDMA, and LSD journeys in Oaxaca, Mexico, and travel to the US for house calls. If you're interested in visiting Oaxaca anyway, an excellent option is to do a "trip within a trip." Both together are often cheaper than hiring a guide in the US, since it's a different economy. I also guide MDMA journeys over zoom, no matter where you are in the world. (Sometimes modern life is great.)
  • What? On zoom???!!!
    Believe it or not, MDMA sessions can still be very meaningful over zoom, and we can do deep therapeutic work. In fact, being in your own home has some advantages, including comfort and security, and afterwards integrating the experience into your daily life is organic.
  • Who?
    It's best to journey when you're in a grouded place, not in the middle of a crisis, a loss, or a big transition in your life. We all go through tough times, and this doesn't mean you can't do psychedelics. But it's better not to do it when you're in the middle of it. If you're currently on SSRI's, you should taper (along with your doctor's support) at least six weeks before your journey.
  • How long?
    The duration of a journey varies. It often ranges from 4 to 10 hours. As your guide, I set aside the whole day for your experience. I bring a simple meal to share afterwards.
  • What's it like?
    Psychedelic trips are wonderfully unpredictable. You never know what awaits you. There may be visual, somatic, emotional, mental elements, or all of them. We'll talk about all this in your preparation. Mushrooms, LSD and MDMA are different, and each one has its particular energetic imprint.
  • What do you suggest?
    If it's possible for you in terms of time and resources, I highly recommend doing an MDMA journey first and then a mushroom or LSD one.
Dried hallucinogenic magic mushrooms. Psychoactive Psilocybin Mushrooms. Dried shrooms on

Microdose Coaching

Microdosing is a unique opportunity, one where you're invited to explore your inner landscape, listen more closely to your intuition, notice subtleties in your day to day life, and deepen your relationships with the living world. Many unexpected treasures can emerge.

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As with many sacred medicine practices,

having support can deepen your experience.

I accompany you as you connect with yourself. I'm there to help you notice messages the medicine is bringing, suggest exercises that could deepen the experience, name recurring themes that are emerging, etc.


Like with macrodosing, entering microdosing with an intention can be helpful, so we’ll start there in our first session. 


I look forward to coaching you with care in the powerful unfolding of this medicine. 

Microdosing can support:

  • greater empathy

  • a reduction in anxiety and depression

  • insight, clarity and creativity

  • a better understanding of yourself and others

  • patience

  • a reduction in addictive behaviors

  • increased focus

  • a connection with the present moment

  • general well-being...and more

As your inner space expands,
you open to new ways of being.

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